
Alive passion worship Church (APWC), that the Lord has guided us to initiate, is a dream into a long journey of Church planting burden for missions to disciple Rwandan people into a community of peace, joy and fellowship, starting from Bugesera. In Rwanda we hear God calling, “Tell my people, come!” – a call to evangelize and disciple Rwandans into His Kingdom and for His Kingdom purpose. it is this call of God in our lives on jan 7th,2018, my wife and i with our son Ethan who was by then 5 month responded to and moved to Bugesera Distrct in Rwanda to plant alive passion worship church in a village called Mayange.

We belive the church is the most strategic change-agent the world can ever have. As such, spiritual revival is the key to the problems society faces across the globe. While many have held that politics and government wield the solution to this world, Alive passion worship church  commit to the words of former American Cabinet member William Bennett who remarked that, “The most serious problems afflicting our society today are manifestly moral, behavioral, and spiritual and therefore are remarkably resistant to government cures.” 

Our Vision

An environment of passionate worship of Jesus Christ where each member is valued and joyful worshiper of our lord and savior

Our Mission

we live to passionately preach and teach the true transforming message of Jesus Christ ,loving every member equally and passionately, and working in the power and creativity of the holy spirit to produce true worshipers of Jesus Christ.

Our Departments

Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry

Our Impact

APWC Initiatives

Youth Ministry
Children's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Evangelism & Discipleship

Latest News & Event

Stay Positive, work hard, make it happen


Our Partners

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